January 04, 2025
5 min read
Top 5 Design Patterns in Typescript
Design Patterns are something that every respectable software engineer needs to know, right?
At least that’s what we are told. I did several attempts during my career to study them, and still most of them I have never implemented even once. Are they still relevant after 30 years? Is it worth learning them today?
These types of questions I’ve asked myself multiple times. There are 23 classic Design Patterns presented in well-known book written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides (also known as “Gang of Four” book) in 1994.
In my opinion, mastering all of them is completely unnecessary.
But knowing some of them, most popular and less complicated can be beneficial for your career, especially if you work with corporate languages like Java and C#.
Since I work with Javascript, I will present my top 5 most common Design Patterns here with examples in Typescript. Let’s go!
We will start with most popular and most misunderstood pattern called “Factory”.
What is a Factory? Factory is very broad and ambiguous term, you are never sure what person exactly means when says “factory”.
From the name you can understand that it should produce something, usually it produces objects. When you search for examples of this pattern in internet you will find something similar to this:
interface Account {
getPermissions(): string[];
class UserAccount implements Account {
getPermissions() {
return ['profile', 'feed'];
class AdminAccount implements Account {
getPermissions() {
return ['profile', 'feed', 'settings'];
class AccountFactory {
createAccount(type: string): Account {
switch (type) {
case 'user':
return new UserAccount();
case 'admin':
return new AdminAccount();
throw new Error('Invalid account type.');
Is this a Factory? Yes, it is. Is this a Design Pattern? Not really.
Well at least it’s not a design pattern described in the original “Gang of Four” book. In fact a pattern called “Factory” does not even exist in the book, instead there are “Factory Method” and “Abstract Factory” patterns. Those patterns heavily rely on inheritance and method overriding.
So do we still need to know this simple factory version?
Definitely yes, you can call it a “Simple Factory”. It still does the job of the same pattern, which is hiding the complexity of object creation.
Imagine that object creation is complex, has many conditions or needs a lot of data for creation. Once you start to build many objects of similliar structure with small differences, then it’s a sign you can use factory.
Should the produced objects share same interface? Definitely yes, at least partially, otherwise why they are produced by the same class?
switch case
statement is not strictly necessary here. Decision of which type of object to create can come from outside of the Factory class. You can even create dedicated functions for each factory product.
class Factory {
createProductA() {}
createProductB() {}
createProductC() {}
This is still a factory class. Remember, the idea is to incapsulate object creation logic, and write client code for abstractions not concrete implementations. This means client should be able to work with any produced product in the same way.
The second pattern I want to show you is called “Builder”.
It is also a creational design pattern same as Factory. Builder also can produce objects, but it constructs them step by step and can create different variations of the same object via some construction functions.
Similar to the factory pattern, it abstracts the complexity of object creation, allowing clients to use object without knowing how it was built.
Let’s have a look at example:
interface Request {
method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE';
headers: string[];
body: unknown;
class RequestBuilder {
private result: Request = {
method: 'GET',
headers: [],
body: null,
addHeaders(headers: string[]) {
this.result.headers = headers;
return this;
addMethod(method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE') {
this.result.method = method;
return this;
addBody(body: unknown) {
this.result.body = body;
return this;
build() {
return this.result;
Be aware, you need to implement a reset functionality, in case you want to build many objects with same builder multiple times.
This example shows a builder for HTTP Requests, where you have a default empty request and you can chain method calls to construct parts of the request as you like. Methods addHeaders()
, addMethod()
and addBody()
are constuction functions that add parts to the result object. When building is finished client code can call build()
to get the constructed object.
const builder = new RequestBuilder();
const createUserRequest = builder.addMethod('POST').addBody(user).build();
Construction functions usually return reference to its instance (this
) to allow them to be called in Fluent interface manner.
Third pattern in my list is called “Decorator”. It is a structural design pattern.
Structural patterns are all about objects relationships, specifically called association. There are two types of association: Object composition (“part-of”) and Object aggregation (“has-a”).
Decorator pattern can dynamically add new behavior to objects without changing their structure. Every time you create a wrapper object that enriches others object behavior you implement a decorator pattern.
Let’s have a look at this example:
interface IDatabase {
saveProduct(): void;
updateProduct(): void;
class Database implements IDatabase {
saveProduct() {
// save product to database
updateProduct() {
// update product in database
class DbLoggingDecorator implements IDatabase {
private database: IDatabase;
constructor(database) {
this.database = database;
saveProduct() {
console.log('Logging saveProduct');
updateProduct() {
console.log('Logging updateProduct');
const db = new Database();
const dbWithLogging = new DbLoggingDecorator(db);
In this example we created DbLoggingDecorator
to wrap existing Database
class and implement logging to console for every function it has. This allows you to extend Database
class functionality without changing it.
Adapter is another structural design pattern, which can connect two incompatible objects. In other words adapter is allowing objects with incompatible interfaces to collaborate.
This is a really great name, because you can imagine a cable adapter from real life and understand the idea. 🙂
Let’s have a look at example:
class LegacyPaymentSystem {
pay(amount: number) {
// pay in old way
interface IModernPaymentSystem {
process(amount: number);
class ModernPaymentSystem implements IModernPaymentSystem {
process(amount: number) {
// process through new system
class PaymentAdapter implements IModernPaymentSystem {
private legacyPaymentSystem: LegacyPaymentSystem;
constructor() {
this.legacyPaymentSystem = new LegacyPaymentSystem();
process(amount: number) {
Imagine we need to migrate our payment process to a new payment system. This change can be very complicated and dangerous, so we want to do it slowly and gradually.
Some parts of the system already use the new way of payments, but there are some places we still need to support the old method. Temporary or forever 🤷♂️.
For those places, we can introduce an PaymentAdapter
class that will have new interface but internally uses old functionality. This allows us to have consistency without breaking our system.
Adapter acts like a bridge between the client code and existing implementation, enabling client to use the new interface while still relaying on the old implementation.
Adapter pattern can also be used in reverse way, known as “Reverse Adapter”.
The final pattern is called “Strategy”. It is a behavioral pattern.
You probably implemented it already without knowing it 😆 (happens with many patterns actually, hello Facade?).
Strategy allows you to define a family of algorithms with single interface which can be used interchangeable. Basically, when we have a set of operations that are repeated but implemented in different ways, we can use the strategy pattern.
Here is an example:
interface ShippingStrategy {
class AirTransporter implements ShippingStrategy {
transport(order) {
console.log('Air shipping');
class NavalTransporter implements ShippingStrategy {
transport(order) {
console.log('Shipping by sea');
class ShippingManager {
private strategy: ShippingStrategy;
setStrategy(strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;
deliver(order) {
In this example we created AirTransporter
and NavalTransporter
strategies, which transport items in a different way but use the same interface. This allows us to easy support other strategies in future like GroundTransporter
and so on.
Now we need to select a desired strategy based on some conditions and for this we can use if else
, switch case
or HashMap
(dictionary). In the following example, we select shipping strategy based on customer region:
const strategiesMap = {
EU_REGION: new NavalTransporter(),
USA_REGION: new AirTransporter(),
const shippingManager = new ShippingManager();
shippingManager.deliver({ item: 'item' }); // Shipping by sea
We have come to the end of my top 5 Design Patterns list! 🎉
In the end, I want to say that many Design Patterns are very close to each other. They are also flexible and can be implemented in different ways which makes them even more alike. “Proxy”, “Decorator”, “Bridge” and “Adapter” are quite similar, same about “Command”, “Template Method” and “Strategy”. Some of them are very trivial like “Prototype” or “Facade” and you doubt why it even deserve to be a pattern.
This list can give you a rough overview of which patterns exist and are popular. Learning one can give you an idea about how others look like.
Hope you found this useful and learned something! 😃